List of celebrities named Albert
Found 39 celebrities with the first name Albert
Based on celebrities listed on Wikipedia, filtered to only those with the first name Albert.
Albert Acevedo
Albert Allen Bartlett
Albert Boonstra
Albert Bregman
Albert Brooks
Albert Bunjaku
Albert C. Barnes
Albert Camus
Albert Celades
Albert Chowne
Albert Collins
Albert Costa
Albert Dorca
Albert Eduard Stoové
Albert Falco
Albert Ferrer
Albert Fert
Albert Finney
Albert Haynesworth
Albert Hofmann
Albert Jorquera
Albert Kesselring
Albert Kraus
Albert Lewis
Albert Lilar
Albert Llovera
Albert Maltz
Albert McClellan
Albert Nicholas
Albert Proud
Albert Schnez
Albert Seedman
Albert Shanker
Albert Sosnowski
Albert Speer, Jr.
Albert Timmer
Albert Torres
Albert Tucker
Albert Yavuryan